Sunday, August 31, 2008
5S1' 07 Gathering
Time: 7pm
Venue: Berkeley Corner
hehez~ since so long din meet up all of them oredi... so i looking forward towards dis gathering =)
i'm the 4th person reach there XD n the laz 4th person goin bac =D
Bout half the class- 20 plus ppl attended =)
V chat lotsa things n exchange our experiences either in form 6, colleges, matriculation college....
Actually no big differences n changes to most of them lur... Sheih nee did hair rebonding ^^
I wanna take photo together v them de =.= but most of them went bac home so early... so no pics taken =.=
End up left 4 of us (ker wei, kai jun, junn terng n me) keng gai ourselves there... I went bac home at bout 11pm plus...
Hope more n more class gatherings in the future =) 5S1 rox!
*to: tortoise family member
where will be our next destination after genting during dis coming hari raya holiday leh? think think think =)
Friday, August 29, 2008
Avril's Concert T-T
He sent the tickets thru post for me last saturday...
Until today I havent receive...
Dat means... I unable to go to the concert ler... T-T
WASTED liao =.=
Duno whether the ticx lost somewhere or wateva... sobz
Anyway still thx for the 2 ticx~ xieixie =)
Super SWT ><
Indian uncle: Saya nak cari XXX (indian's name)
Mum: Har? Siapa tu? Ini rumah cina lah...
Indian uncle: Kawan saya lah...
Mum: Sini tak ada orang ini lah... U salah rumah ke?
Indian uncle: Kawan saya beritahu dia tinggal di rumah ini lah... 95-A...
Mum: Kau dengar salah ke? Dalam ada satu rumah Indian lah... 95-M, kau pergi tanya...
Indian uncle: Saya call friend saya dulu...
So, afterdat mum went into hse...
After few minutes... He rang the bell again =.= I went out n my mum followed me...
Mum: Apa hal lagi?
Indian uncle: Saya nak cari XXX (i straight away faint =.=)
Mum: Saya dah kata rumah ini rumah cina lah... (my mum point the sembahyang thing) Lihat cina punya rumah lah... Mana saya nak cari seorang orang india untuk u... =.=
Indian uncle: Saya ingat kawan saya punya bini cina =.=
Mum: (swt-ing) Husband saya pun cina la... U pergi tanya baik-baik dulu... Mungkin u dengar salah...
Indian uncle: Dia beritahu 95-A... (he speaks confidently =.='')
*me n my mum: speechless...*
Den hor, v dunwan bother him oredi n straight away walk inside =.=
OMG >< i really kena bomb till DIE lor... told him liao dis is a chinese house n yet he confidently said dis is his friend's house n wan to find his friend =.= n sumore do assumption by his own... I tot his wife is a chinese mah =.= *speechless*
but really very funny lur... i heard my mum talk v him until i oso nearly vomit blood n bang myself into wall XD
Result released!
so i straight away jump down from my bed n switch on my laptop =) for info, i unable to sleep ytd nite n turn here n there on my bed for hours... so i sleep until very late today =X
den while sms-ing, i quickly log in to intionline...
happy v my result n i managed to pass my MPW XD
Erm... i get A for my maths, english n chemistry n A- for physics... =D
managed to get cgpa 3.0 n above =) my scholarship secured!
Goin bac to enroll on sept 2~
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Schedule FULL
hmm... today i successful in woke up earlier... hahaha XD
after hav my breakfast den i read newspaper... yeah, i'm updated! =)
den i go on9 for a while... check my mails, visit other's blogs...
n suddenly i rmb dat i shud accomplish a task given by my mum n sis >< that is choose wateva pics i wan so that they can print it out at the photo shop... i start browsing all the cds n finally chose some =)
hahaha~ den i take the initiative to help my mum to sweep floor XD i'm guai daughter LOL (to terng: dis is the secret i meant just now XD)
afterdat, i help my mum in tidying up bedroom ( me n my sis one)... she helped us vacumn the whole room... den i wipe all the tabletops n etc coz there are dusts =.= *achoo* hehez it is very tidy n clean now ^^
den hor... i went out v mama to klang parade to buy something... den v passed by Body Gloves shop =) hahaz got discount =p so i hav my new t-shirt... *happy*
den v went pasar malam coz it is very near v klang parade n i hav been very long nv go there... hahaz n at the same time v r waiting for 5.30pm to come coz my mum needa fetch my sis bac from tuition centre =)
after i went home, i str8 away ter-slept... hahaz
dats how i spent my day today =) at least i'm busy n not bored ^^
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Raining non-stop
coz my area keep raining everyday n non-stop for whole day...
actually quite good coz the weather become cool cool de =)
but for mum dat is not gud coz all the clothes unable to dry XD
jz now becoz of too bored... i lied on sofa n listened to my mp3 songs for quite a long time... never thought of dis is a kinda relax oso =D
i read one short essay just now... dat essay stated dat "if something belongs to u, it vil comes to u automatically one day and u no need to chase after it" “命中注定是你的东西,不必强求,它也自动地会来到你身旁。” i quite agree v dat quotes =)
today, i chose to tidy up my stuffs...
my mum kept nagging coz dat day i brought lotsa things back from my hostel like books, notes, n some other thingy N i left them in my room unattended XD sorrie hehe...
since those notes n textbooks will not be use in next sem anymore... so their new home vil be my house's cupboard =D i reorganize them according to respective subjects n filed them =) in case next time need some references, easier for me to find them ^^ it takes me quite a long time to do dat =3=
afterdat, i tidy up my clothes closet >< coz i brought all my clothes in hostel back home n dis made my closet quite packed n messy =X haha so now it is tidy!
Lastly, i think i vil be back to inti at sept 1 or 2 =)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Happy Birthday, Daddy
Happy Genting Trip
26 aug- 28 aug (Tuesday to Thursday)
Enjoyz urselves oh =)
I promised...
I vil join u all next time if got another chance! =)
Monday, August 25, 2008
Den this made me start thinking about mine... Am I experienced those feelings before? maybe becoz i'm a happy-go-lucky person so i seldom think too much bout wad i really feel... But dis doesn't mean dat i'm not a sensitive person... i sensitive towards everyone's words, their gestures n even their face expressions... I can easily feel wad other's thinks... Maybe it is not 100% true coz it is just wad i feel... I tried my best to make myself a friendly n easy-going friends =)
Someone told me, he is a good listener rather than a good speaker... he listens more than he talks... so he able to realise more about wad his friends felt... I wish i'm a good listener oso =) Many friends told me their problems and even "secrets"... Actually i feel really proud coz this is a sign dat they believe me ^^ thanks...
p/s: Friends are just like TREE =D
T : T r u s t ( 信 任 )
R : R e s p e c t ( 尊 重 )
E : E x c h a n g e ( 交 流 )
E : E m o t i o n a l S u p p o r t ( 精 神 支 持 )
Olympic Closing Ceremony
After 16 days of olympic sport events....
Here comes the grand Olympic Closing Ceremony that really made the whole world proud of =) esp chinese althought v are malaysians... hahaz
China really did a great job in organizing the 29th Olympic game successfully... Thru dis event, everyone in dis world hav a totally new perspective towards China... Well Done!
Hmm... during Beijing Olympic... my dad n even my whole family really addicted... Read "sports" in newspaper to catch up every single olympic news althought normally v don't take note on sports at all... XD den watch badminton match n sacrifice shopping time v used to hav on weekends... today my dad even bought "Olympic Opening Ceremony DVDs" in popular bookstore coz laz time RTM1 din showed the whole event properly... =)
Our country managed to get one silver medal in dis year olympic n get 71st place in the total ranking... if not mistaken there are 204 countries taking part in Beijing 2008... =)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Scholarship Presentation Ceremony
actually ntg special happened... BUT something funny happened XD
the MC announced: "我们今天要颁发1907年度的会员子女奖励金。" (today we'r goin to present scholarship for year 1907.)
SWT =.= supposed is year 2007 lar... ><
i duno wad to react after heard dat MC told lidat... den i turn to my dad n keep laughing =.=
afterdat my dad told me... v shud be grateful coz all of us are at least 100 years old =.= coz they are presenting scholarship for 100 years ago =.= speechless...
i duno whether no one realised dat mistake or all of them are not listening properly XD
summary =)
1. AUCH! 2 days ago i ter-bite my tongue when i was chewing smtg... it is terribly pain n it swollen le... n today i hav stomachache... it made me lie on bed whole afternoon... i hate stomachache!
2. today after dinner v straight away went home coz v wanna watch 8tv summer hot concert! it was held in melacca MITC dis year... =)
3. thx andrew! for avril lavigne's concert tickets =) n i guessed 1st time posting something experience not dat bad oh XD xiexie again =D
4. sorrie for unable to join u all for dat genting trip... i promise i vil join next time if got chance =) guyz n gals hav fun ^^ really sorrie...
5. our sem break oredi past 1 week... n i seems like doin ntg =.= wasted lotsa time oni ><
6. 命中注定我爱你 very nice~ waiting for episode 24... final episode =p
Friday, August 22, 2008
aquarius girl =)
p/s: sorrie for those who dun understand mandarin... =) some parts of it quite true for me ^^ i tink for those friends who really understand me will know which parts best describe me =D
Thursday, August 21, 2008
hair CUT
i just wan to trim it a bit to make it looks nicer =)
so i went there n waited there for sooo looongg coz there r so many customers there =.=
FINALLY, it's my turn...
But, actually no big change if u din see properly... LOL n if i din mention maybe most of u won't notice =D
* yoyo n ryan suddenly said they dunwan join the genting trip... =.= only left 6 ppl IF included me... T-T
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Althought i really hate to make decision but sometimes i hav to force myself to do it...
Now i have to choose whether to join my friends for the Genting trip fall on next tuesday (aug 26) or stay for my dad's birthday celebration... I suddenly forget bout dat special date when i promised my friends to join them... I shouldn't forget dat =.= I feel so sorry for dat... Luckily my sis reminded me this morning when i mention bout dat trip v her...
Althought v oni go out for a dinner and buy a birthday cake for the celebration... It looks quite simple but it meant a lot to a parent... I think so... =X As a daughter i shouldn't absent dat day... n my sis suggested that v goin to celebrate at greenbox dis year =)
I duno how i goin to make decision this time... hmm... i think i vil discuss v my parents later =)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Which baby are you? =)
wake up late in the morning coz everyday i oso sleep very late =p
den, hav my brunch (breakfast+lunch)... 2 in 1 hahaz dis is wad i normally do in holidays =)
read newspaper... i dun hav the chance to read paper when i stay in hostel... made me a bit outdated v wad happenings in surrounding... so mux update a bit ^^
chit chat v mama aka kacau-ing her doin house chores =p
help mama doin some simple house chores =D i'm guai daughter XD
on9 ^^ checking mails, update my blog, chatting v frens, download songs....
watch drama 命中注定我爱你... not bad =D
sumtimes, follow mama go out lur... some places in klang become not so familiar for me le =.=
n of coz eat, drink, play n sleep lor~
oh ya... 1 task for me to accomplish during this sem break--- driving =p coz i really too long din touch car ler... next time can help mama fetch my sis n bro when she is busy =)
~HappY HoLiday~ ^^
Monday, August 18, 2008
Lee Chong Wei vs Lin Dan
everyone is glad that lee chong wei entered the final for badminton singles men... n put lotsa hope on him as he is the only hope for our country to get a GOLD medal in Beijing Olympics 2008...
malaysia oredi 12 years din get any medal in olympic n 52 years din get GOLD medal... =.=
8.48pm : the match started!
my whole family sit in front of the television n watched the badminton match =) dis is the first time v all did this... coz normally v don't watch sports XD
But end up China won in dis badminton match...
maybe lee chong wei was too nervous n stressful... anyway he still able to get a silver medal for himself n our country... =)
Olympics rox!
Lee Chong Wei rox! =)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Reunion Outing
Time: 10am-5.30pm
Venue: Mid Valley
Participants: me, jie hong, ker wei, junn terng, fui wern, marcus, boon kuan, aler, ying hui
-shopping around the mall
-find place to eat (took us a very long time coz every restaurant there are full...) finally v chose burger king coz less ppl there...
-no movie (coz all tickets all sold n fully booked)
-sit inside mph bookstore (everyone take a book n pretend like reading =.= actually v keep on chit chatting there XD)
Jie Hong: he nowadays very pro in japanese language ler... =) next time v go japan find u n u mux bring us around oh ^^
Ker Wei: hmm... not much changes but her hair grow very slow leh... y keep on about the same length one? XD keep on "walao-eh" hahaz
Junn Terng: he seems like grow taller again... but it is a good thing lar~ =D
Fui Wern: hmm... long time din meet her oredi... but still very quiet compared to others... =)
Marcus: so syok la u all got 3 months holiday =p dun forget ur promise oh XD
Boon Kuan: not much changes... same inti but different campus =)
Aler n Ying Hui: stay happy alwiz n take care...
Yen loo, kok thai n kaihan unable to join us today but i'm sure there are still lotsa chances for us to meet up =) stay in touch ^^
Friday, August 15, 2008
Think bout it~

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sunway Pyramid
kent drove us there althought he duno de way... hahaz but v reach there successfully LOL so 3 of us purposely left victor n kah yuong alone n let them walk together XD
first, v went to cinema n bought 5 tickets for The Mummy... showtime: 10.30pm =D afterdat, v went redbox to check the price n timeslot available... so v finally decided to watch movie first den redbox for whole night =)
while waiting for 10.30pm to arrive, v walked around n went mc donald for ice cream ^^
The Mummy still ok lur... a bit swt =.= u vil know why after u watched dat... take note when they fight... XD n TGV seats are not comfortable at all... made all of us suffer for neck n pigu pain after 2 hours =.=
den v went redbox... from 12.30am to 3am~ dis is the first time i go out v frens until midnight =) v sing lotsa songs during dat 2.5 hours... all those unnecessary advertisements between 2 songs are disturbing =.= waste our time oni... anyway v hav our fun time there althought gorgor kept saying y v not high enuf LOL
v reached hostel at 4am plus~ i slept at 4.30am n woke up at 7.30am coz mama morning call me... she told me they are coming to fetch me home n wan me to b prepared~ i straight away wake up coz all my belongings are not packed yet... it took me 1 hr in total to pack everything up =) den papa n mama reached inti at 8.30am~ i reached home at 10am sharp =D
To: all inti frens
Happy Holidays! ^^
To: papa n mama
thx for being my parents~ muackss
Summary for SEM 1 CFES
v vil b having our sem break for 2 weeks n i vil bac to inti at 1st or 2nd sept...
15 weeks past so fast... v seems like staying in inti for so long oredi... v spent lotsa times together from morning to night almost everyday... v go to class together, av our lunch n dinner together, study for exam together, do our homework together, gossip together, play together... so many "together" everyday~
althought oni 15 weeks... but v feel like knowing each other for a very long time oredi... =) i lurve CFES!
SEM 1 CFES subjects:
- General Physics 1 *mr loh*
- Chemistry 1 *ms abhi*
- English Language 1 *mr yeap- mr pal- ms malini*
- Mathematics 1 *mr aung*
- MPW (Malaysian Studies) *mr raymond*
SEM 2 CFES subjects:
- English Language 2
- Mathematics 2
- Biology 1
- Basic Computing
- MPW (Moral Studies)
Saturday, August 9, 2008
v hav our mpw finals jz now... i sleep at 1am+ dis morning n woke up at 6.45am... dis made me feel like so sleepy during the exam =.= n yet the hall so cold... ytd nite so pity cant watch olympic opening ceremony... But, luckily four of us got watched a bit when finish makan at the thai restaurant... got big screen showing there... =) if no exam today, i sure watch whole nite XD
dis week i din go bac home... 1st time spend my weekends in hostel... but nvm, after finals there vil b our sem break XD
7-8-2008 七夕节
no stars at all... 没有牛郎,没有织女,也没他们的婚礼...因为下雨了~
Beijing Olympics ROX~
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Read Each One Carefully and Think About It a Second or Two
1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.我愛你不是因為你是誰,而是我在你面前可以是誰。
2. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.沒有男人或女人是值得你為他流眼淚,值得的那一位,不會要你哭。
3. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
4. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.
6. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
7. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
8. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.
9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
10. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
11. There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.
12. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.
13. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
緊記: 所有事也是因果循環的。
Being happy is the priority of living,
If u wanna be sad,
Be sad 4 something thats worth it.
Short update~
so laz sunday i went to pikom pc fair v my family... de venue is kl convention centre... v went in de afternoon n it is SUPER packed =.= after v walked for a while, me n my sis got the suffocating feelings... i guessed there were not enuf oxygen inside the halls XD v bought some stuffs there like pendrive, cdr, my bro's ps2 controller, ink catridges... n of coz my mp3 =)
dis coming weekends most probably i'm not goin bac home coz i got mpw exam on dis saturday n other papers on coming monday-wednesday... my cousin brother oso not goin bac as he told me... so if i wanna go bac i hav to find other transport... F3
hmm... everyone jiayou jiayou in finals ya =) gambateh ^^
* there is a great difference between reality n imagination... imagination is not real at all... wad i think n feel now is just imagination or it vil become something real one day? i duno...
Sunday, August 3, 2008
♥Love n Like♥
- lie on beach n view stars
- chocolates
- strawberry
- coffee
- lollipop
- romantic
- travelling n outing
- family
- friends n buddies
- my future partner
- autumn n winter
- rainbow colours
- sleeping
- chit chat
- on9
- shopping
- listening to music
- tell cold jokes
- rabbits
- cute stuffs
- holidays
- my dearest childhood pillows n bolster
- laptop n hp
- mama's foods
- my hair
- mother earth
today my bro's friends came to our hse... 6 friends if not mistaken... having fun v ps2 n making lotsa noise =.=
den in de afternoon, i planned to study for my mpw... haiz... whenever i start study, it made me sleepy =.= so end up i oni able to study a bit oni... really a bit =.=
n one very important thing is " I HATE chained email or sms"! jz now my sis received 2 sms from her friends n the contents are really sickening >< actually everytime i received those sms or email, i wunt bother it n jz DELETE it... but i jz wonder y everyone so childish n keep sending dis kinda things to ur friends... sumtimes, there even stated "I hav no choice coz i being forced to do so..." =.= swt no one can force u to send if u dunwan...
so, someone taught me smtg... if u received these kinda sms o email... change the amount of ppl u needa send to to smtg bigger... like 7, u change it to 70 or even 700... den resend it to the person who sent it to u... if they wan to obey, den let them find 70 or 700 victims... XD
* tonite got stars... and of coz e xin is there * =)
Friday, August 1, 2008
Sleeping is important =X
actually i planned to sleep for 1 or 2 hours to recover my hp lost =.= but end up i sleep from 1pm to 5pm XD it has been so long i dun hav the chance to sleep so long in hostel le... =)
so after i woke up i do revision for chemistry quiz... den go bath n makan =) hmm... nowadays our dinner gang's members semakin hari semakin kurang... y huh?
nite, after done revision, v walked around our campus as usual... den go n find gorgor... chit chat v him thru his window XD n at the same time feeding mosquitoes... e xin still the brightest star on the sky =D
n TODAY, ntg special happened... v hav our chemistry n physics class as usual... during chemistry class v hav our quiz... i did some mistakes oredi =.= go bac klang as usual at 4.30pm...
It's Fun ^^
here are da summary on dis few days happenings =)
Tuesday 29 July
8-10am physics class
10-12pm math extra class
12-2pm mpw
3-5pm scholarship presentation ceremony
during physics class, v got our presentation... dis time i same group v wee khang n raymond... mr loh expected sumting best from us n win loon's group coz v are the last 2 groups doin our presentation... =) raymond did a great job while presenting by showing us interesting movie clips... hehez mr loh told us v are the best group in presentation for phy 1261... quite happy to heard dat but actually i got sum comments from him oso... bout the monkey snapping photos =.=
so afterdat v wore our formal clothes for the whole day... after math extra class n mpw class, sum of us hav to attend scholarship presentation ceremony... in mpw class v hav short briefing on wad to study for our final exam... den marks released for our coursework... i get 65.5 out of 100... dat means i hav to get 28 marks on my final in order to pass in my mpw... mpw is not counted in our cgpa... a pass is enuf for me XD
den for the scholarship presentation ceremony, v went there at 1pm sumting... den waited for hours until it start at 3pm sumting =.= sien dou... v went up the stage n get a scroll... afterdat photography session... actually doesnt feel anyting like happy o wateva coz so many ppl are getting the scholarships...
after makan, v all felt so bored coz the next day is a holiday... kah yuong oredi went bac home coz his parents wanna investigate wad happened to her legs... den 3 of us, i mean me, kent n louis drive out makan angin XD so v restricted kent in his speed... end up he drove 20km/h on de road XD his BEM 98 sure become very famous in nilai le... den after a while, he stopped by aside n wan me to drive =.= omg i oredi so long din drive le... nervous sei me... so no choice lo... i drive near nilai college there coz there hav few cars compared to other place... one funny thing is kent can felt the "speed" althought i oni drive for bout 60km/h... XD hehez...
afterdat kent become the driver bac n v turn around in nilai... i oni realised nilai really hav no fun places to go... no wonder parents like to send their children here to study according to those inti UC's n nilai college's ppl... v even stopped by to watch stars =D
den afterdat v went bac to our campus... hav fun playing with the bonggol XD quite childish n funny... hahaz n disturbing those couples paktoring XD v hav fun time n playing fools around...
when supper time v others, they suddenly said wan go klang... den i oso agreed lo... but i'm sure mama tentu terkejut see i bring 3 guys go bac home =.= coz kah yuong unable to join us... n others got smtg to do oso... =)
Wednesday 30 July
as wad v planned... 9am v meet n go bac klang together... 4 of us goin together: me, kent, louis n vic...
so many funny things happened =.= 1st i kept on pointing the wrong way... swt =.= coz i normally jz din notice which way my cousin took when goin bac home... coz i'm not the one driving oso... so made kent keep on U-turn... so psps... n made me so gan jiong oso... n i realised i'm buta jalan =.= even when reach klang, becoz of kept talking v missed the toll v supposed to exit n dis made us come out from another toll... as i told earlier... i'm buta jalan =.= so even in klang oredi.... i oso duno exactly n 100% sure which way i suppose to point to kent... haiz...
FINALLY, v reached my hse =D i showed them my childhood's pics as they wan to hav a look on it... =.='' den they hav a look on my hse n room... luckily my room not too messy XD
den i successful in bringing them to eat bah kut teh... first time i go eat bah kut teh v frens... vic keep complaining bout it... he said it is not as delicious as wad he expected... lolz... he expected sumting too perfect oredi... =)
Den v went aeon bukit tinggi... v watched The Dark Knight... not bad but it was freezing inside the cinema =.= dat means i needa suffer inside for 2.5hours... T-T after the movie, v merayau-rayau there... go bac at 4pm sumting... =)
the journey bac to nilai run on smoothly... wahahaha coz i din point any route to take... =.= malu-nya... v reached inti at bout 5.15pm...
p/s: kent become so guai jor... coz he followed the speed limit throughout the journey... 110km/h n 90km/h =)